Monday, January 6, 2014

Shiny New Crosley Cruiser

My a m a z i n g future mother in law got me this super cute little doozy for Christmas this year.  It's a Crosley Cruiser. I find this record player to be perfect for a person like me who is just starting to discover the awesomeness that is collecting vinyl.
The compact design is perfect for any space, and the sound is just loud enough to enjoy in my apartment with friends.  The speakers are built right in the unit, so there is no need to make room for bulky hardware.
I should mention that she found this vintage record stand at a garage sale last summer for me, then spray painted it this lovely robins egg blue (She is the spray paint queen).
I just love looking through the records with all of their artwork and charming little details that just arent present with digital music downloads.  My fiance found me a collection of vintage records (mostly classic rock from the seventies) and it is such an experience carefully examining them and thinking about how someone took so much care of them for all these years. 
My hipster status went from about 7.5 to 11 by adding this to my living room. I'm excited to expand my collection, and spend many good times with friends listening to the sounds of the past. 
Gussy boy loves it:)

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